John & I love to ride our bikes everywhere new go ‘!! We ride our bikes to the doctor
appointments & other appointments we may have instead of driving! Even if we have to run errands, as long as I can fit it on my bike or in my bike , then I am riding too!! Today we have the @BorntoRide magazines to deliver . That means we have about 150 miles to cover if we do the entire route in one day. We usually do it one day & wnjoy the nice long ride together on our bikes. So I packed up my entire bike with magazines in every compartment, Both my side compartments hold 3 stacks each and the back compartment holds 3 stacks plus my purse, & a cooler . Then I can put 3 more stacks on my back seat & bungee those down. So I can carry, 12 stacks all together on my bike, that’s a lot!! I loaded all the magazines on my bike & John got Daisy Ducati ready to roll ,.. we walked the dogs ,., packed the cooler up & on board & off we went to deliver all the magazines. We decided to do the entire route in one shot & I knew we would not be back home for several hours. We rode from our house in Beverly Hills Citrua County to. @WebsterSwaporama
We left at 5:30pm & got to our first stop at 6:20pm dropped the magazine’s & hit the road again, from Webster to Inglis for the @loft then from there we ride to @scooterhavencountryclub from there we ride to @piratescove trim there back towards our are to @papawillies and rhe home!! We did it all…. We rode 135 miles to deliver magazines!! YEAH US WE DID IT ALL IN 5. Hours !!!